Hlavní smysl vznikl však docela jinde. Momentálně se blíží jedna z největších životních změn a blog bych ráda využila jako pomocníka pro komunikaci s mojí rodinou, která narozdíl ode mě zůstane doma. Podrobnosti můžete čekat v dalších příspěvcích, protože jsem tuto informaci ještě zdaleka nesdělila celému světu (a co není na FaceBooku, tak se nepočítá, no ne?). Pokud by se mi poštěstilo k tomu v průběhu cesty najít lidi se stejnými zájmy, se kterými bychom mohli donekonečna rozebírat, co měli zrovna k snídani, jaký seriál dokázali zkouknout během jednoho dne, nebo je dokonce snad inspirovat k tomu, aby se pustili do věcí, o kterých zatím jenom sní, tak budu nadmíru spokojená. Protože i navzdory tomu, že se částečně bojím toho, co mě v dalších letech čeká, tak neudělat ten krok, by mě děsilo ještě víc. Takže se jako profesionální daydreamer budu řídit oblýbeným: "If you can dream it, you can do it." Pojďte snít se mnou!
I've been toying with the
idea to start up a blog for quite some time, but it never was "the right
opportunity." Excuse. In
store I've had countless of those such as "I don't
have enough time for this, until something interesting happens, when I finish this and
that, I'll throw myself at it" etc. I ran out of excuses and the urge to
share my favorite images, experiences, recipes and witty thoughts
the world is getting stronger every day and I don't really want
to smother friends on various social networks, hahah.
However the main purpose origins from quite a different place. One of the biggest life changes is coming and I'd like to use the blog platform as a helper to communicate with my family, who unlike me will stay home. Details can be expected in the next few blogs, because I haven't shared this information with the rest of the world yet (and what's not on Facebook doesn't count, right?). If I would be lucky enough to find people with similar interests during the journey, with whom we could endlessly discuss what exactly they had for breakfast, what was the last series they were able to watch in one day, or even perhaps inspire them to take on to things which are only a dream so far, I would be extremely happy. Despite the fact that I'm kind of afraid of what is waiting for me in the next couple of years, not taking that step would scare me even more. So as a professional daydreamer, I'll follow my favorite: "If you can dream it, you can do it." Join me and dream with me!
However the main purpose origins from quite a different place. One of the biggest life changes is coming and I'd like to use the blog platform as a helper to communicate with my family, who unlike me will stay home. Details can be expected in the next few blogs, because I haven't shared this information with the rest of the world yet (and what's not on Facebook doesn't count, right?). If I would be lucky enough to find people with similar interests during the journey, with whom we could endlessly discuss what exactly they had for breakfast, what was the last series they were able to watch in one day, or even perhaps inspire them to take on to things which are only a dream so far, I would be extremely happy. Despite the fact that I'm kind of afraid of what is waiting for me in the next couple of years, not taking that step would scare me even more. So as a professional daydreamer, I'll follow my favorite: "If you can dream it, you can do it." Join me and dream with me!
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