neděle 31. ledna 2016


Začátek víkendu byl velmi povedený. V pátek večer jsme měly s Nicole super večeři a pak šly do kina na Dirty Grandpa, kde samozřejmě nemůže chybět můj milovanej popcorn. Já to fakt můžu jíst po tunách! Od filmu jsme čekaly, že to bude blbost, a možná taky byla, ale my jsme se řehtaly celou dobu jako malý :D Takže kvalitu filmu nehodnotím, znova si to asi pustit nemusím, ale nasmála jsem se dost. V sobotu na jógu, kde jsem málem umřela, ale bylo to super. Potom do města a neděle bude ve znamení nic-se-mi-nechce-nic-dělat-nebudu, ale tak od toho ty neděle snad jsou, ne? :) Doufám, že vy jste ji měli co nejlepší! Pár fotek z mého týdne. Byl to dobrý týden.

The beginning of the weekend was really good. On Friday night, me and Nicole had a great dinner and then we went to see a movie, Dirty Grandpa with Robert De Niro and of course I had my beloved popcorn. I can't get enough of that stuff! We did not expect much from this movie but even though I might not watch it again, I kinda loved it :D We were laughing the whole time. So I'm not going to evaluate the movie quality but I had fun and that's what matters. On Saturday I went to a yoga class, as usual I almost die but it felt goooood. After that I met my friend downtown and now we have Sunday. This time it's going to be about I-don't-want-to-do-anything-so-I'm-not-going-to-do-anything. But that's what Sundays are for, right? :) Hope you all had a good one my lovely humans! Here is a few shots from my week. It was a good one.

I have been eating a lot of sushi lately. No regrets. 

It was a National Croissant Day on Saturday! Can't say no to that, right?

Strolling downtown. 

When I get out of the doors of my house I get to see this. Feeling fortunate. 

More food.

More sushi. 

Those weekends... 

Our old school theater. Can't love it more.

Saturday in downtown. So this is how they make movies. 

 What do they mean?

A perfect gift from a friend who went to Disneyland and know me too well. This is the result. 

Lonsdale Quay at night. Oh, yes.

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