I had fulfilled all of my obligations, I had almost a week left until we were leaving for a vacation so with my best friend we have decided to go on a trip. We won’t be seeing each other for quite some time so this was a great idea! Originally we had planned to go to Amsterdam but the 16-hour bus tour didn’t fit in our schedule. Thus, we chose the city of Dresden in Germany. We travelled with the company Student Agency and the pleasant journey lasted only two hours. Here are some random photos. Who has been to Dresden before? What did you like the most?
Na všech výletech si Starbucks užívám!
I do enjoy Starbucks on all of my trips!
V opeře jsme se byly podívat na baletní zkoušky pro nadcházející představení. Musím uznat, že to bylo opravdu skvělé!
We went to see the ballet rehearsals for the upcoming shows in the opera house. I have to admit that it was really great!
Takové dorty jsou na Starém městě opravdu všude!
In the Old town you can find these kind of cakes literally everywhere!
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