Takže koukejte vytáhnout kohokoliv a jděte takhle blbnout, já z toho měla dobrou náladu celý týden. Zkoušel jste někdo box? :D Jaké to bylo?
For some reason I really liked the title for today’s post, wonder why that might be :D Anyways, today I wanted to share with you guys me and my Sarah’s experience from that wonderful workout class called Weekend Warriors that we did last Sunday at 8:30 in the morning. What can I say, I was exhausted just from waking up that early on Sunday. Again, we had no idea what to expect, the only thing we knew for sure was that we should be afraid. The fear was justified! The class was a combination of “boxing” (I’m using quotations because what we were doing had nothing in common with actual box) and more hiit exercises which I hate from the bottom of my heart. In couples we were alternating in who is punching and who is getting punched. My terminology is on point here, I know, no need to remind me of that :D There were only four other guys with us and they knew what they were doing and didn’t look confused when the instructor was yelling numbers and combinations at us. The instructor was getting a bit annoyed since we were just laughing and couldn’t get the punches right but we couldn’t stop. You know the situations when you are not supposed to laugh so you laugh even harder? But at the end of the class we got the hang of it, I thing, and were enjoying ourselves until the final hiit session killed us. Despite all of that we were leaving the class all sweaty, tired and happy.
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