Hotel jsme měli úplně v centru u přístavu, protože jsme chtěli využít jejich parkování a zmateně ho nehledat ve městě. Nakonec to byla hodně chytrá volba, protože centrum Victorie a všechna zajímavá místa se dají obejít pěšky. Hotel byl nádherný, nejvíc se mi líbil župan na pokoji, taaak měkký jsem dlouho nezažila, hahah. Snídani jsme si objednaly na pokoj (poprvé v mém životě), protože už večer jsme měly hlad a ráno jsme se nechtěly hledat místo na jídlo s kručícím žaludkem. Vejce benedikt, jogurt, müsli, ovoce a muffin. Doteď se mi o tom zdá, to vám povídám.
There is only one main road from Tofino to Victoria so if it would close and you don't have a boat you basically can't get anywhere. So you can pretty much imagine how thrilled we were when we ended up in a line of not moving cars, people around were confused, no one knows what is happening, if we will be on our way or what. In my head I was picturing us sleeping in the car, the ferry leaving without us etc. Eventually we started moving again and in about three hours we finally got to Victoria.
Our hotel was located conveniently in the very heart of Victoria because I wanted to use their parking space and not have to drive around town looking for a place to park our car. It turned out to be a very smart choice because the downtown area is not big so you can walk everywhere. The hotel was gorgeous, I especially loved the bathrobes they put in the room, so soft and cozy! We ordered room service for breakfast in the morning because we were hungry when we went to bed so we didn't want to be looking for a place to eat with an empty stomachs. Eggs Benedict, yogurt, muesli, fruit and muffins. Does is get better than that?
Flower arrangements are there everywhere. So beautiful, probably my second favorite thing about Victoria.
This freaked me out, I thought it will sink any minute :D
City Hall.
Celkově se mi Victoria líbila dost a moc. Má mnohem více historie než Vancouver, takže jsem se cítila víc "doma," je určitě mnohem menší a celkově má krásnou atmosféru. Nejoblíbenější místo je na 100% Fisherman's Wharf. Napřed jsem neměla tušení, co to bude, nic jsem si o tom nehledala a měli jste vidět můj výraz při pohledu na ty rozkošné barevné plovoucí domečky. Sama jsem tomu nevěřila, ale opravdu v nich bydlí lidé a jeden byl dokonce na prodej. Mít nazbyt nějaký ten milion, tak volám a kupuji :D I když nevím, jak tam snáší ty turisty za dvěřmi a čumící do oken (jeden exemplář jsem, prosím pěkně, já osobně). Posuďte sami podle fotek :)
Overall I really liked Victoria. It has more history than Vancouver for sure so I felt more like at "home," I thought it was bigger but it is a lovely city with a beautiful atmosphere. But! My most favorite place in there for the Fisherman's Wharf for sure!! I had no idea what I should expect, I know it was known for something but I did not look it up so you should have seen my face when I saw those adorable colorful floating houseboats. I couldn't believe it but people actually live in these things. If I would have had a spare cash I would have been calling the realtor and buying in that very moment :D Even though I have no idea how those people deal with all the tourists at their front doors and looking inside through the windows (obviously I mean myself). See for yourself in the photos :)
Fried chicken with poached egg on a fluffy waffle. My life is complete now.
Fried chicken with poached egg on a fluffy waffle. My life is complete now.
Fisherman's Wharf ❤️
That touristy life.
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